Monday 8 September 2008

Colour 2008

I used to use these colours in big pastels but a recent trip to France and the ochre mines got me back into thinking about colour. The intensity of colour in the land around Roussilon and the shop selling pigments, pots and pots of beautiful colour all lined up, delicious. I returned home and forgot about my trip and then was tidying up and found my old pastels; the intensity of the colour was there again. I love muted tones and mostly work in monochrome but it is exciting using these vibrant colours again, now they are not pastels but oil and at some point I hope they will appear in my sculpture also.

ochre mines

ochre mines ochre mines
ochre mines ochre mines

ochre mines
ochre mines ochre mines
ochre mines

What has been your proudest working moment so far?
It is usually about sculptures I have made rather than the achievements of those sculptures to get to certain places. My ambition is within the greatness of the achievement within the peice rather than the position it has gained in the ‘art world’ or the position it has raised the artist to.
A good feeling is to make a painting or sculpture and then after, when all the worry, indecision's and insecurities have gone, when you become slightly detached from it through time you wonder how you did it and worry terribly that you could never do it again. But usually I am very critical of past work and therefore satisfaction is limited.

What is the most important thing you like to express with your art?
The most important thing with my art is honesty, sometimes I can be too cheesey or potentially naff, I worry I don’t hide my personal feelings enough and can be a bit blatant but I always use the excuse that I am being true to how I feel, its just me. It is what it is.
If you are not honest there is absolutely no point.

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